Tuesday, September 7, 2010


What a great way to start the 2010 football season, a trip to Park City.  The boys put in a lot of hard work during the past 4 weeks and it showed right from the beginning.  We are scheduled to play 5  A-1 teams in our first 6 games.  Not an easy task.

We gave up a big sweep on the second play of the game but our defense regrouped and held them out of the end zone.  That was the story of the day for our defense.  We gave up 3 big plays but were able to stop them from scoring on all but one of them.  We gave up one touch down with 45 seconds left in the game but their running back made several great cut backs during the run. 

Our offense started strong with 2 touchdowns in the first half.  We lost momentum in the second half because of missed assignments and coaching error, I got a delay of game penalty that set us back.  We as a staff were very pleased with the progress the boys have made and their willingness to do what ever is asked of them. 

The fan support was amazing.  I really appreciate, and so do your boys, all of the support from the parents.  We introduced the touch down bucket during the game.  For those of you not familiar with it this is what it is and why we do it.  After every touch down we will be passing a bucket around to collect change.  It is a great way for extended family to show their support for the team.  The money raised will be used to buy the boys winter socks and the rest will go toward the year end banquet.  If you have friends and family coming to the games tell to to bring a lot of change.  I have a feeling you are going to be seeing a lot of the touch down bucket this year.

We had so many great plays it was hard to choose players of the game.  After looking at the film one player stood out on both sides of the ball.  Dayne "Sunshine" McDonald scored 2 touch downs and also threw for one.  On the defensive side he was an animal.  He had at least 8 solo tackles.  We as a coaching staff are so pleased with the progress he has made.

Our second player of the game went to our shut down corner, Zach "Sticky Fingers" Mangum.  Zach had an amazing game at corner.  He had an interception and run back and also made several touch down saving tackles.  He only played a little on offense but when he did he made it count.  He was inches from breaking a reverse for touchdown and blocked very well.  Zach has an amazing feel for the ball.  That is something you can not teach.

Several other players had great games: Aiden Gordon had 4 tackles for lose and did an amazing job pulling and finding his block.  Hunter Gourley had several great tackles and a pass break up.  Jacob Kartchner had to block a guy who was double his weight while worrying about snapping the ball and covering the gap.  He did an awesome job.  Talmage Brown and Steve Street win the award for blocking until the whistle.  They both laid the wood to Park City.  How can I forget the 3 great catches that Keaton Baucom had.  Some teams don't complete 3 passes in an entire season.  We did it in the first game.  Two of his catches were ESPN sports center highlight material.  Our offensive line played well.    Overall I was very pleased with our performance.  We have some things to work on for Juan Diego so we will need to practice hard this week.

Final score RIVERTON 19 PARK CITY 6


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